CPU定时器的配置和使用是非常简单的,CPU定时器的一般操作如下:32位计数器寄存器TIMH:TIM装入周期寄存器PRDH:PRD中的值。计数器寄存器以28x的SYSCLKOUT速率递减。 当计数器达到0时,定时器中断输出信号产生中断脉冲
#include "DSP281x_Device.h" // Headerfile Include File
#include "DSP281x_Examples.h" // Examples Include File
struct CPUTIMER_VARS CpuTimer0;
// When using DSP BIOS & other RTOS, comment out CPU Timer 2 code.
struct CPUTIMER_VARS CpuTimer1;
struct CPUTIMER_VARS CpuTimer2;
// InitCpuTimers:
// This function initializes all three CPU timers to a known state.
void InitCpuTimers(void)
// CPU Timer 0
// Initialize address pointers to respective timer registers:
CpuTimer0.RegsAddr = &CpuTimer0Regs;
// Initialize timer period to maximum:
CpuTimer0Regs.PRD.all = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// Initialize pre-scale counter to divide by 1 (SYSCLKOUT):
CpuTimer0Regs.TPR.all = 0;
CpuTimer0Regs.TPRH.all = 0;
// Make sure timer is stopped:
CpuTimer0Regs.TCR.bit.TSS = 1;
// Reload all counter register with period value:
CpuTimer0Regs.TCR.bit.TRB = 1;
// Reset interrupt counters:
CpuTimer0.InterruptCount = 0;
// CpuTimer2 is reserved for DSP BIOS & other RTOS
// Do not use this timer if you ever plan on integrating
// DSP-BIOS or another realtime OS.
// Initialize address pointers to respective timer registers:
CpuTimer1.RegsAddr = &CpuTimer1Regs;
CpuTimer2.RegsAddr = &CpuTimer2Regs;
// Initialize timer period to maximum:
CpuTimer1Regs.PRD.all = 0xFFFFFFFF;
CpuTimer2Regs.PRD.all = 0xFFFFFFFF;
// Make sure timers are stopped:
CpuTimer1Regs.TCR.bit.TSS = 1;
CpuTimer2Regs.TCR.bit.TSS = 1;
// Reload all counter register with period value:
CpuTimer1Regs.TCR.bit.TRB = 1;
CpuTimer2Regs.TCR.bit.TRB = 1;
// Reset interrupt counters:
CpuTimer1.InterruptCount = 0;
CpuTimer2.InterruptCount = 0;
// ConfigCpuTimer:
// This function initializes the selected timer to the period specified
// by the "Freq" and "Period" parameters. The "Freq" is entered as "MHz"
// and the period in "uSeconds". The timer is held in the stopped state
// after configuration.
void ConfigCpuTimer(struct CPUTIMER_VARS *Timer, float Freq, float Period)
Uint32 temp;
// Initialize timer period:
Timer->CPUFreqInMHz = Freq;
Timer->PeriodInUSec = Period;
temp = (long) (Freq * Period);
Timer->RegsAddr->PRD.all = temp;
// Set pre-scale counter to divide by 1 (SYSCLKOUT):
Timer->RegsAddr->TPR.all = 0;
Timer->RegsAddr->TPRH.all = 0;
// Initialize timer control register:
Timer->RegsAddr->TCR.bit.TSS = 1; // 1 = Stop timer, 0 = Start/Restart Timer
Timer->RegsAddr->TCR.bit.TRB = 1; // 1 = reload timer
Timer->RegsAddr->TCR.bit.SOFT = 1;
Timer->RegsAddr->TCR.bit.FREE = 1; // Timer Free Run
Timer->RegsAddr->TCR.bit.TIE = 1; // 0 = Disable/ 1 = Enable Timer Interrupt
// Reset interrupt counter:
Timer->InterruptCount = 0;
ConfigCpuTimer(&Cputimer0,SYSCLKOUT,Y * 106)配置函数详解
参数的话上述程序中都有详细的介绍不多说,主要是定时时间计算问题;根据配置函数的定义,CPU定时器周期寄存器PRD的值为(Freq Period = SYSCLKOUT Y * 106),CPU定时器的分频器TDDRH:TDDR的值为0,故定时器定时计算公式如下
SYSCLKOUT(MHz) 定时器周期T(s) 想要定时Y(s)