Code Composer Studio 是一种集成开发环境 (IDE),支持 TI 的微控制器和嵌入式处理器产品系列。Code Composer Studio 包含一整套用于开发和调试嵌入式应用的工具。它包含了用于优化的 C/C++ 编译器、源码编辑器、项目构建环境、调试器、描述器以及多种其他功能。直观的 IDE 提供了单个用户界面,可帮助您完成应用开发流程的每个步骤。熟悉的工具和界面使用户能够比以前更快地入手。Code Composer Studio 将 Eclipse 软件框架的优点和 TI 先进的嵌入式调试功能相结合,为嵌入式开发人员提供了一个引人注目、功能丰富的开发环境。
Please note that use of anti-virus software or a firewall may cause issues during installation.McAfee software in particular has been especially troublesome. If possible, disable anti-virus and firewall software during installation. If not, use of the Offline Installer is strongly recommended.If you are using an Offline CCS Installer, the zip file in which it is distributed must first be extracted:
- Right-click on and select “Extract All…”.
- Enter the directory where you wish to extract the files.
- Click on Extract.
Once extraction has successfully completed, proceed with the installation
steps below.
To install Code Composer Studio:
- Run ccs_setup_8.x.x.xxxxx.exe.
- Choose where you want to install.
- Select the components you wish to install.
If you are using a full compressed image of CCSv5.5.0:
On Windows, double-click on
1. On the menu bar, go to Actions -> Extract
2. Select the directory where you wish to extract the files
3. Select all of the following:
a. "All files/folders in archive"
b. Overwrite existing files
c. De-select the following:
d. Open Explorer Window
e. Skip older files
4. Click on Extract
Note: If you are using McAfee, your installation may hang. Instead, use the offline installer
or disable the McAfee firewall. McAfee will allow you disable it for a period of time.
60min should be enough to complete the installation.
On Linux, untar CCS_5.5.0.xxxxx_linux.tar.gz and extract all files
If installing from DVD on Linux, you need to either mount the DVD with execute permissions first,
or copy the files off the DVD to a local drive and change permissions there to run the installer.
Once extraction has successfully completed, proceed with the installation steps below.
To install Code Composer Studio
On Windows:
1. Run ccs_setup_5.5.0.xxxxx.exe
2. Choose where you want to install
3. Select the components you wish to install
On Linux:
1. Run ccs_setup_5.5.0.xxxxx.bin
2. Choose where you want to install
3. Select the components you wish to install
* Note: To facilitate the installation of emulation drivers, it is necessary to run part of the installation process as root.?
You may either run the whole install as root, or install the drivers after CCS installation has completed. ?
If you decide to not run the whole CCS installation as root, you can navigate to the <Install-Folder>/ccsv5/install_scripts folder,
and run the 搃 as root.
- 关闭电脑防火墙
- 关闭电脑杀毒软件(注意有的人的电脑有好几个杀毒软件都得全部关闭)
- 切记不要将CCS软件装在中文路径下(其实对于各种软件来说都一样,不要将它们装在中文路径下,否则可能会出现难以预料的问题)
- 其他没有什么可注意的,都是傻瓜式安装,安装时按照步骤选择好自己所开发的平台就OK
- CCS8.2.0不需要破解,但是CCS5.5.0需要破解,破解方法如下:
将许可证文件(CCSv5-China-University-Site_License.lic),拷贝到/ccsv5/ccs_base/DebugServer/license 下面,即可使用,许可证文件可找我索取